“May you live in interesting times,” goes the ancient Chinese curse. With the brutal violence, natural disasters and political chaos currently playing on the global stage, one is tempted to adopt that kind of perspective.
The duality of our physical existence calls upon us to choose our realities from a place of fear or of love. This is what can make our lives interesting. The denser, egoic vibrations of fear are difficult to ignore. It plays out on the television screens, movie screens, the radio waves, newspapers, magazines and social media. This affects the collective conscious to the point that one may feel helpless to change the “channel.”
Our mineral kingdom friends can assist us as we struggle to stay above the fray. Carrying, wearing, and gridding your personal space with crystals and minerals can provide a sense of calm in the storm. Below are a few of many stones and crystals that may support your ability to cope.
Black Tourmaline This complex chemical composition of Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Aluminum, Manganese, Lithium and other trace minerals make Black Tourmaline just about the best energy purifier around. It transmutes negativity into clear Light. Use it to detoxify your own energetic field, to protect from smartphone and computer radiation, and to remove toxic energy from your home or personal office environment.
Selenite Named for the Moon Goddess Selene, this stone is a wonderful channel of soothing angelic light and connection to the higher self. In times of stress, Selenite is a useful tool to discharge emotional energy, bringing calm to erratic emotions and clearing one’s aura. Selenite has a beautiful luminescence and is effective at protecting spaces as well. Selenite and black tourmaline can be used together in grids to great effect.
Rhodochrosite Change brings up fear in many of us. The thought of “what happens if” triggers a dread that is hard to shake. Fears get rooted in our childhood when experiences, real or imagined, find a way to create conscious filters that shape how we perceive the world around us. Working with Rhodochrosite addresses the child within us, and helps us to recognize where our fears originate, so we can start to heal them.
Lepidolite Does your mind refuse to slow down at night when all you want to do is sleep? Try tucking a piece of Lepidolite inside your pillowcase and under your pillow. The stone, with the calming minerals of lithium and potassium, will quiet the mind enough so you can relax. Lepidolite is the stone of acceptance – the epitomizing the Serenity Prayer – “…grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change…”
Rose Quartz The ultimate crystal buddy, Rose Quartz’s soft, pink glow radiates calm and the vibration of Unconditional Love. This is a heart-centered stone, which assists in fostering all forms of love: self-love, love of family, friends and romance. When depressed or sad, holding rose quartz can elevate one’s mood and comfort the soul. Because of its heart-based energy, it can support the emotional body for reducing anger, stress, or aggravation.
Bloodstone Strength, courage, physical stamina and longevity have all been tied to the energies of bloodstone. Bloodstone is another type of quartz called chalcedony. It is dark green in color with reddish brown spots that look like blood drops, hence the name. The green coloring is brought about by dense inclusions of Chlorite. In ancient times, warriors would have Bloodstone with them to bring strength and courage to battle. If you are feeling surrounded by anxiousness, Bloodstone can give you the courage to go on.
Amethyst No list of stones for this topic would be complete without Amethyst, another silica-based crystal that gets its purple color from impurities of manganese or iron compounds. It is an all-purpose crystal that fills an environment (and body) with positive light, chasing away negative energies and creating a protective light bubble around you. The violet ray of the amethyst connects to the crown chakra and is great for meditation. Amethyst is a wonderful stress reliever and helps clear the mind of thought clutter.
Moldavite Last, but not least, is the powerful stone of energetic transformation – Moldavite. Formed when a meteor struck the earth eons ago, the impact actually fused earth and stars to create this special stone. During these interesting times in which we live, circumstances may dictate some action on your part. Perhaps you feel stuck – you need to move on but find every excuse not to do it. Moldavite will support your need to change and transform your life for the highest and best good.
So, what crystal or stone do you need in these interesting times? The answer lies in which ones you are drawn to have near your body, in your home, or in your workplace environment. The body has an intelligence far greater than the mind, if we only learn to listen to it. The universe has a higher purpose, no matter what happens, and we can hold onto that thought as we stumble and tumble our way along. The best course of action is to focus on holding a higher vibration of Love and send that out into the world every day.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor, nor do I play one on TV. This article contains recommendations for crystals to use in stressful times based on my own personal experience and from my training as a certified Crystal ResonanceTM Therapist. If you have issues requiring medical assistance, please see a medical professional.
Another Pathfinder article, written for the 2016 March/April issue
Ah Spring… new beginnings and new opportunities. For those with April birthdays, the beautiful and rare diamond crystal is listed on the modern tables as their birth stone. But the energy of diamond is truly universal. Everybody should have one in their pocket, and not just for the monetary value either.
One doesn’t have to have a finely cut, shaped and polished stone in their collection to get the benefit of the high frequency emitted from this piece of pressurized carbon. Diamond purifies and detoxifies all of the body’s systems, rebalances the metabolism and builds stamina and strength in treating allergies and other chronic conditions.
There is a legend that claims the God of Mines called his courtiers together and asked them to bring all the world’s known gems to him. He found the rubies, emeralds, sapphires, topaz, etc. to be of all colors and hues with varying degrees of hardness. He took one of each and crushed them, compounding them together and declared, “Let this be something that will combine the beauty of all.” He spoke and lo, the Diamond was born…pure as a dewdrop and invincible in hardness. Yet when its ray is resolved in the spectrum, it displays all the colors of the gems from which it was made. [Kunz, 325-326]
The name diamond comes from the Greek “adamans” meaning invincible. The first known mentions are by Manius and Pliny. Indeed, it is a symbol of invincibility because it is the hardest natural mineral with a 10 Mohs rating (hardness scale). No wonder some of the diamond’s key attributes are strength, clarity and truth. It gives courage to one who wears or carries it.
A symbol of purity, the Diamond’s pure white light helps to bring our lives into a cohesive whole. It is said to be a cosmic dragon’s remains that tap into Divine Energy. Diamond allows the soul’s light to shine and aids in one’s spiritual evolution.
The diamond is an energy amplifier, much like its clear quartz cousin. It brings strength and endurance to all energies, enhancing the power of other crystals. However, it does not discriminate between negative or positive energy, so be aware!
Notable diamonds have been found in South Africa, India, Australia, and others in Russia and China.
Herkimer Diamonds
If an actual diamond is out of your price range, it makes sense to seek a stone with similar
Herkimer diamond
vibrational properties. “Herkies” may fit that bill.
A Herkimer Diamond is a variety of minature, double-terminated quartz that embodies a high crystal energy. Herkimers are often extremely clear stones, but many have black anthraxolite inclusions. Some have water inclusions called “enhydro,” which aid in healing the emotional body.
They are beautiful and powerful high vibration crystals that boost clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities. As ascension stones, they can take one to the highest spiritual vibration possible while still physically embodied. Herkimers look quite similar to other clear quartz, but are generally brighter and have a discernably higher vibration.
Herkimer Diamond is named for the location in which it was first found, Herkimer, New York, USA. They aren’t really “diamonds” but are often sold under this name. Similar double terminated quartz have since been found at other locations. For example, “Arkimers” are those found in Arkansas.
Herkimers are wonderful meditation stones. Like a true diamond, the Herkimer works especially well with the Crown chakra. The purity and beauty of these crystals may draw angelic beings and higher spirit guides to it. Like most quartz, Herkimer is programmable and is a wonderful ally for positive affirmations.
This is the article I wrote for the Pathfinder newsletter, which was published in the May/June 2015 issue.
With the tremendous shift in energies that began during the first quarter of 2015, many of us are experiencing general malaise, old fears resurfacing, or are frustrated because we cannot seem to manifest what we need. With our minds racing from one thought to another, we may have trouble sleeping. Perhaps we should stop and ask, “Am I entirely present in my body?”
Stress, fear, frustration and an obsession with cellular technology are primary causes of a dis-association with the body. People get caught up in the thought process of the mental body, allowing their energetic vibrations to resonate with microwaves, radio and cell towers. When living a life in the head and not the heart, the lower chakras close down and a person can literally feel unmoored or rootless. Nothing seems to get accomplished and the sense of self is compromised.
To get grounded, the placement of crystals or stones on the body can assist in reconnecting to the earth and to the heart.
What are the best crystals or stones to use for getting reconnected?
Every body is different, but I find consistencies among what I reach for to ground, calm, open the heart, or bust out energetic blockages. You can use whatever stone resonates with your energetic needs.
Calming stones: Lepidolite, Black Tourmaline, Infinite, Atlantisite (Stitchite in Serpentine)
Heart opening: Rose Quartz, Aquamarine, Dioptase, Kunzite,
Energy Block busters: Moldavite, Tibetan quartz, Kyanite, Crocoite
If your energy is feeling stuck, use raw copper to regulate the flow. Copper conducts electricity and will help move energy around. Stones with predominant amounts of copper in them are also good for clearing an energy backup. These stones are usually deep blue, green, or a combination of both colors.
When I’m feeling run down, I like to make a grid alternating 12 black tourmaline and 12 clear quartz points and lie down in it. If the quartz points are turned in, it helps to refuel your energy tank. The opposite is true if the points are turning outward, but that can be a good thing if you are really stressed out and have hyper amounts of energy upsetting the body’s natural electromagnetic flow!
If you feel that you are already present in your body but need more focus or clarity to manifest your desires, try meditating with a clear Quartz crystal or Rainbow Fluorite in your non-dominant hand. Ask the crystal for guidance, drop into your still point and wait. The answer will come through in whatever way you receive – hearing, seeing, feeling, or some combination of the three.
Our crystal and stone friends come with the Earth’s frequency as their default setting. Using one or more of these Earth-based allies to assist in grounding, clearing, releasing and renewing is an easy, non-invasive way to approach physical dis-ease.